Every now and again it helps when you hear other peoples stories of liberty prosperity and the pursuit of happiness! Make you realize the grass isn't always greener on the other side. Or sometimes you can just get a good laugh. I've transformed this blog to not only include chronicles of MY drama filled 29.5 years of life but to also request stories of YOUR drama filled lives. So here's my story...I'm legally beautiful. Thanks for coming out God Bless and goodnight!

Monday, April 30, 2007

Let's go get kicked out of Applebee's...WHAT!!

Its been almost a month since my last blog and quite a few events have transpired since. Most couldn't survive a day in my life but hey that's what makes me ME...a certified bombshell gettin wicked in court evidencing my unparalleled passion for justice for all.

Anywho, I'd just like to through this question out there and get some feedback. Why is it when a not so attractive woman roams the earth professing her beauty to anyone who will listen it is regarded as self confidence but for a noticeably attractive woman she is seen as vain??!! Our society is all fucked up! Jealously and envy run deep within our own circles and its really unfortunate more sistahs aren't celebrating each other's beauty as opposed to despising it. It isn't always easy being beautiful. Why must we constantly compare ourselves to what others have accomplished to determine our own worth? Church was particularly interesting on Sunday speaking to all the judgmental folk out there who participate in everything but SELF analysis. If anyone is going to scrutinize you it should be YOU. Spoken like a true pimp...how you gonna let someone tell YOU how YOU feel about YOU SIMPLE BITCH...its called SELF esteem...its esteem of yo mutha fuckin SELF!!

Why do people, women in general, feel the need to let you know about yourself?! Its always the chick with no man giving you advice on your relationship, the chick with no job giving you advice on how to handle your boss, the chick with no style giving you advice on what not to wear, the chick who sleeps with someone on their first encounter giving you advice on why you should break up with your boyfriend because while on business trip he mistakenly slept with some chick from the club after one too many drinks...you get the point right?!?! My suggestion, tell that bitch to fuck off and mind her own business before you comb her hair!! I'm so damn tired of these women with so much negativity to spread around the table but find it almost impossible to compliment a sistah on something positive. Fuck em!

Another point I'd like to touch on this Monday afternoon is whether the old saying "Once a cheater always a cheater" is accurate?? And can men every really be faithful?? And what types of activities are forgivable and which ones aren't?? Most women may find it difficult to relate to my personal thoughts on these issues. I'm not sure whether my directives are easy to follow but I assure you (this statement is not meant to be legally binding bitches) that a little bit goes a long way. One of my really close friends calls me the BEST GIRLFRIEND EVER. At times she requests advice from the old ME as opposed to the new ME. An abundance of trials and tribulations have given me a lot of food for thought and I've chosen to adapt accordingly. Above all else I want to be happily married with a man who wants nothing more than to come home to ME. With that being said I believe there are certain things one must do in order to achieve this goal. I'm a traditionalist when it comes to relationships, I've been domesticated; I cook, clean, run errands, have sex anywhere anytime, and all this is in addition to holding down a REAL job putting in 50-60 hours a week. When he's sad I listen to his problems, when he's mad I ask him what can I do for him, when he's tired I rub his back, when he's frustrated I leave him alone and when he's happy I'm happy. Now I'm sure a few of you are thinking that I must be the craziest woman in America but let me tell you what I get for this sacrifice and I will admit its a sacrifice but one I'm willing to make. I'm with him 24/7, we party together, we eat good in the neighborhood, we talk all the time about any and everything that is going on in our lives, we have a mutual respect for each, he's honest even when it hurts, and I trust wholeheartedly that when he says something he means it. I couldn't ask for a better relationship. A friend just questioned why I don't snoop when I'm alone at his house and I simply stated FOR WHAT!! Why are we so afraid to be happy!! I'm not!!!

I put on my THINGS TO DO LIST...next bitch who asks me anything about my relationship simply ask her WHY THE FUCK DO YOU WANT TO KNOW!


Anonymous said...

Why Bey's "Crazy In Love" sounding like the soundtrack to this post? hehe! DO YOU GIRL, that's the only way to do it! ;) But you know me, I'm confused...did you get kicked out of Applebee's? lol!

Anonymous said...

Whoa, I'm glad I read this before calling you up and asking whats up with you and boo. lol I'm happy you're happy!

Anonymous said...

How about I was also waiting for the funny story about Applebee's! Let's see...sounds like everything is good on the relationship front so I wouldn't dare comment on that. As for your lack of self-esteem having haters, it's always good to have a few of those around. They let you know you must be living life right!

Anonymous said...

AGAIN PREACH ON! If a dude can't wait to get home to you, he ain't gonna be faithful!----Kuzzo

Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!